This puts geckodriver or geckodriver.exe into root of this module. 1.1.0 - programmatic usage, added bin support.Downloader for /mozilla/geckodriver/releases.1.1.2 - fixed require by pointing package.json main property to the lib file.1.1.3 - adds Windows support, fixes Windows tests.1.2.1 - added support for Linux 32-bit.1.7.0 - updated to geckodriver 0.17.0 32-bit linux support added.1.7.1 - 'GECKODRIVER_CDNURL' support added.1.8.1 - added geckodriver.exe bin for Windows.1.9.0 - updated to geckodriver 0.19.0 32-bit windows support removed.1.10.0 - geckodriver 0.19.1, switch tar package, enable Win32 builds again, _config_geckodriver_cdnurl support.Set it to '0.24.0' to fetch that version. 1.16.0 - added support for GECKODRIVER_VERSION env variable.1.16.1 - added support for GECKODRIVER_FILEPATH env variable.1.16.2 - fix issue with 'tar' dependency.Support HTTPS_PROXY env and npm_config_geckodriver_version variables. 2.0.1 - fixed proxy download behaviour.1.16.x - geckodriver 0.24.0 and GECKODRIVER_VERSION env support.2.00.x - geckodriver 0.29.1, support changed to node v12+.Use GECKODRIVER_SKIP_DOWNLOAD to skip the download of the geckodriver file. Use GECKODRIVER_FILEPATH to point to a pre-downloaded geckodriver archive that should be extracted during installation. Use GECKODRIVER_VERSION if you require a specific version of gecko driver for your browser version.

Use HTTPS_PROXY or HTTP_PROXY to set your proxy url. npmrc file.ĭefault location is set to Setting a PROXY URL For example, /vxx.xx.xx/*.tar.gz should be located under /geckodriver/download above.Īlternatively, you can add the same property to your. To set an alternate CDN location for geckodriver binaries, set the GECKODRIVER_CDNURL like this: GECKODRIVER_CDNURL= Binaries on your CDN should be located in a subdirectory of the above base URL. To use a global installation of this package with selenium-webdriver on Windows, copy or link geckodriver.exe to a location on your PATH (such as the NPM bin directory) after installing this package: mklink %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm\geckodriver.exe %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\geckodriver\geckodriver.exe Note: This installs a geckodriver shell script that runs the executable, but on Windows, selenium-webdriver looks for geckodriver.exe. Use it globally: npm install -g geckodriver tPreference('marionette.logging', 'TRACE') Use it by setting WebDriver capabilities: tPreference('marionette', true) Use it by requiring: require('geckodriver') There are several ways to use this module: Use the provided geckodriver from bin directory. Downloader for /mozilla/geckodriver/releases